The Isolation Diaries: Caitlyn Iskra


Image Caitlyn Iskra
Christina Karras

We know isolation can get a little lonely.

In honour of staying home, we’ve decided to take some time to chat (via the internet) to some of our favourite creatives to find out how they are dealing with this very new and strange state of being.

The beauty industry has felt the ripple effect of COVID-19 in more ways than one. As government lockdown restrictions forced salons and beauticians to close, makeup artists also felt the pain of cancelled events and appointments for the months to come.

But between binging TV episodes like the rest of us, Melbourne makeup artist Caitlyn Iskra has been whiling away her time in isolation painting her own face with sequins and sparkles, honing her skills from the safety and solitude of home.

As greater Melbourne re-introduces stage 3, I caught up with Caitlyn to hear her iso-induced epiphanies and all-time holy grails.

Hey Caitlyn! Tell us a bit about you, what you do, and how you got started in the beauty industry? 

Bonjour! I’m Caitlyn, I’m 24, Taurus with a Gemini rising... I know, conflicting. I currently live in Melbourne as a freelance makeup artist, hair stylist and fashion stylist, on the journey of self-discovery, with goal to eventually bring even more inspiration and accepting energy into the world. 

I happened to fall into the industry. A good friend of mine thought I was fitting for a job at Mecca, one week later I was offered a job, and that was over five years ago now. This industry has taught me so much, mostly how to accept my own interpretation of beauty as well as myself. And the importance of empathy and kindness, in learning how to connect with people in incredible but vulnerable environments.

I’ve had some incredible experiences within the industry working with record labels, artist and makeup gurus, attending fabulous award shows and parties. But having supportive and influential humans around you, learning and absorbing as much as possible — it makes the long days and painful foot cramps all worth it. 


I’m also a Gemini! We love them around here. I can remember being obsessed with sparkly lip-gloss and badly applying my mum’s bronzer when I was younger - what are your earliest memories with makeup? 

Definitely watching my mum apply her makeup, I was so fascinated and intrigued. The precise application and use of colour. I’ve always been a artistic kid, so I just assumed the makeup brush was really a paint brush. I was incredibly flamboyant as a child, and makeup was just another area to exude that flamboyance for me!

Do you have any beauty icons?

@robpoveymua - this human is someone I’ve followed for a while. I’m drawn to his work, he really has no boundaries and is constantly expanding his range of skill. I also adore the @artistedit on Instagram. It’s a space for talented artists; it’s honestly like stepping into the MET in New York, but simply for creatives. 

What are a few of your holy grail products? 

One word, five letters, STURM! As far as my skincare goes, she takes prime positing in the skincare cabinet. The products are anti inflammatory, clean and incredibly well sourced ingredients. The Face Cream in Rich and the Calming Serum will have your skin looking healthy and fresh. 

With makeup it varies depending on season and the current colour of my hair; however Westman Atelier is a brand that has really taken up space in my makeup bag. The range is completely cream base and if I had to share my holy grail it would be the Super Loaded Highlight in Peau De Peach. ULTIMATE GLOW SUMMER GODDESS ANGEL HEAVEN. 

How do you view the relationship between social media and the beauty industry? Instagram seems to have a powerful influence on what looks are trending and our beauty ideals in general.

Something I mutter to myself on the regular is “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

With the constant rise in social media comes the up hill battle with acceptance and beauty trends that at times become criticised. I tend to not follow the trends. Of course if Bella Hadid mentions an affordable makeup product, I won’t shy away, but I just think individuality is the ultimate trend. 

I’ve managed to attain a healthy relationship with the two. I choose to follow brands that are positive and influential, and companies that not only embrace physical beauty but internal beauty. It’s all about balance. 


The beauty industry has been hit hard by the lockdown restrictions (twice now) talk us through your daily routine and how it’s changed due COVID-19.

The one major thing that changed for me was time! To give myself more, to breathe into my mornings, to enjoy my coffee and actually make my bed or do my washing. To even put on a face mask (not that I didn’t do those things prior) I just never had enough time before work. I value those small things, they make your day start with “you”. 

I found myself going within, a lot of internal healing, meditating and hot baths with a special scrub I make. I also wasn’t one to bake, but I definitely ate!

How have you been staying sane during isolation?

Naturally I’ve always been relatively sane, given I have the standard eight hours of sleep and plenty of water, however at the start of iso (which may I add feels like a life time ago) it was different. I felt incredibly vulnerable and slightly uncomfortable, only because I lacked the understanding of what this isolation really meant. I decided to do things I normally would, but with keeping a healthy frame of mind and appreciation for all I have, the fact that I could wake up, do “normal” things. I felt lucky, I didn’t rush, I had time to be with myself and understand exactly what that means. 

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Give us your isolation recommendations; what have you been reading, watching, listening to, eating? 

Eating was tricky at the start, I realised the unhealthy relationship I was having with food; it gave me space to cook more and experiment with what exactly made me feel good. When it came to books, I always find myself reaching for one of the hundreds of books I’m yet to read. I managed to finish off Sharon Salzburg’s Real Love and while it doesn’t entail what real love is, more importantly it highlights the art of mindful connections, letting go of perfection, moving beyond shame and stripping away layers of negative habits - this book really became my bible. 

I also re watched all 16 seasons of greys anatomy haha.

What’s something you’ve learned during this time?

I learnt that I choose the life I wish to live, it’s always a choice. No matter where you are, or if there’s a global pandemic in the mean time - the choice is always yours. 
Be kind, to yourself; to others, always breathe. 

I also learnt the alphabet in sign language. 

Follow Caitlyn for more wisdom and glamour on @caitlyniskramakeup and @caitlyniskra.
