A-Z Shoot: At Home With Olivia

Images @kid___drank
Words Christina Karras
Long before Melbourne went back into lockdown, the friends and fashion graduates Natalie Tarle and Stephanie Cassano behind KID DRANK caught up with fellow Melbourne artist, @oliviaexcuses to play dress up at home.
The duo also have their own respective outlets, find more of their designs and work @akidwithideas and @drankoceanic.
Swipe through the gallery to see and read on to get to know more about Olivia.
When did you start singing?
I started when I was four in my local choir. The pianist realised I had a good voice so he told my mum to start putting me into singing lessons. From then on it was back-to-back competitions, concerts, showcases, and long rehearsal days guided by my mother. She doesn’t sing but she taught me everything about stage presence.
What’s an average day in your life look like?
Wake up. Check the time. Freak out because I probably slept in. Schedule out my day. Content creation. Song writing. Forgetting to eat. Network. Repeat!
What three words best describe you?
Stubborn, determined – I can't think of a third one!!! This question always gets me.
What’s your favourite thing to do?
Being with the people I love and having a super relaxing day. That consists of making food, drinking wine, listening to music or smashing the piano keys and definitely napping! I love sleep.
What’s your favourite thing in your wardrobe?
It's got to be my mums gold rings. I wouldn't say she handed them to me, but she definitely knows I have them haha... I have her wedding band that has ROMA engraved on the inside which is the first two letters of my parent's names combined. The second ring I have is her graduation ring from when she finished her nursing course in the Philippines. It has a beautiful royal blue centre and the year when she graduated!
Who is someone that inspires you?
I can't lie the first thing that comes to mind is just women in general! I've been so inspired by the women that are close to me, women I've just met, women I don't even know! I think women should be celebrated a lot more.
What’s something you’ve always dreamed of doing?
I want to sell out the O2 Arena in London!!!
Olivia wears: @globalvintagecollective, @___kurtvanvelzen, @sschafer_, @poms.poms.poms